A masterclass in custom folder design, function and purpose.
WellFlorida Council's colorful "good vibes" folders.
On a recent walk around the production floor, a couple of colorful covers caught our eye. They featured a large illustration of a flower with no text, which made the pieces that much more interesting and compelling.
In writing this piece, we could have used flowery (pun, semi-intended) words — which would have been just as fitting — to describe the folder, but the phrase that jumped out as most apt is “good vibes”. The finished pieces just exude such a feeling.
Perusing through the pages folders, we discovered that the project is for non-profits overseen by
WellFlorida Council. As it happens, we were in the process of gathering topics for a blog on how to design a folder. Needles to say, we just had to reach out to the designers from whom we felt we could learn plenty. So we interviewed their Art Director and Communications Manager, Jill Dygert, who informed us that WellFlorida is an umbrella organization under which there are several programs, including the programs the folders showcased.
The intention is that recipients of the folders will hold on to them, add their own resources to them, and if they’re inclined, use them to file things related to baby’s health. So, it’s important that the folders be durable, visually inviting and reflect a professional, caring and joyful approach to the services and information offered.
— Jill Dygert
FOLDERPRINTER WRITERS: Please describe your organization and its services. Please also tell us what purpose your folders generally serve, who are its recipients, and what items are placed inside them?
JILL DYGERT: WellFlorida Council is a private, nonprofit organization that was created in 1969. We are the state designated local health council for 16 counties in North Central Florida and are consultants for health causes. WellFlorida also manages local, state and federally funded programs, special projects and nonprofits throughout the region that support our mission and the causes we believe in—maternal and infant health, HIV/AIDS care, children’s safety and improving access to healthcare, especially in rural communities.
Our maternal and infant health programs have used FolderPrinters to create folders that are used to market each program’s services and to share educational materials with their clients who are primarily pregnant women and families with young children.
Healthy Start is a home visiting program that provides one-on-one support throughout a woman’s pregnancy, and is there for mom and family after baby is born and during early childhood. Those who are considered at-risk for poor birth outcomes and need help with healthy child development are eligible for this free program. Healthy Start folders are sometimes given to participants in the program and to patients. They are most commonly distributed to pediatrician and OBGYN offices, along with Tip Sheets on various health topics, such as breastfeeding, coping with a crying baby and safety tips. The healthcare providers customize the folders with the Tip Sheets they feel are a good fit for each of their patients. The providers appreciate that they can also add their own materials to the folders — like growth charts and vaccination schedules — to send a complete packet home with each patient.
Connect is a program for pregnant women, infants and families with young children who are at-risk for poor birth outcomes, unstable home environments and/or child developmental issues. One call to Connect from self-referring individuals, referring agencies and healthcare providers is a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as support in childbirth, newborn care, parenting and more. Services are provided by various home visiting agencies; the Connect folders hold those agency’s brochures. Connect folders are distributed to healthcare providers, and community-based and social services organizations to promote the program and to serve as a reference for agencies who refer their patients/clients to Connect. The unique design and size of the folder accommodates rack cards and tri-fold brochures – and won’t get lost in the clutter.
Front and back cover of Connect program folder.
Connect is a program for pregnant women, infants and families with young children who are at-risk for poor birth outcomes, unstable home environments and/or child developmental issues. One call to Connect from self-referring individuals, referring agencies and healthcare providers is a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as support in childbirth, newborn care, parenting and more. Services are provided by various home visiting agencies; the Connect folders hold those agency’s brochures. Connect folders are distributed to healthcare providers, and community-based and social services organizations to promote the program and to serve as a reference for agencies who refer their patients/clients to Connect. The unique design and size of the folder accommodates rack cards and tri-fold brochures – and won’t get lost in the clutter.
NewboRN Home Visiting is a program in Alachua County, Florida that provides free home visits to ALL moms of newborns. Folders have been a useful leave-behind for new moms to organize paperwork, forms, etc. related to their baby’s birth – and also to hold helpful health information and resources. The program has also created a folder and content specifically for fathers as well.
In each of these examples, the intention is that recipients of the folders will hold on to them, add their own resources to them, and if they’re inclined, use them to file things related to baby’s health. So, it’s important that the folders be durable, visually inviting and reflect a professional, caring and joyful approach to the services and information offered.
The content and design of each folder is consistent with the branding of each program. I strive to simplify the message and appeal to our common interest – we all want happy, healthy babies, moms and families. The folders and their contents offer some tools to help that along in a way that is uplifting and nonjudgmental.
FPW: Have the folders proven to be effective? Do they work?
JD: The programs’ Community Liaisons and Healthcare Provider Liaisons have found them to be useful. Other Healthy Start and Connect organizations throughout the state have requested the template or reprints from us so they can reproduce the folders and use them locally. The Connect program was initially a pilot program in North Central Florida. The program, and its marketing materials, proved successful and now Connect programs throughout the state are using the original pieces developed for the program—including the folder.
FPW: Are these your first professionally printed folders? If not, had you been working with a printer, and if so, what made you switch to FolderPrinters?
JD: These are not our first professionally designed folders. I’ve worked with other vendors over the years. FolderPrinters is quick to respond to questions and provide quotes. Payment, uploading files, and the proofing process is fast and easy. The results have been consistently good – with excellent color matching and no errors. They are also able to do custom sizes (like the Connect folder). I also appreciate that they are environmentally friendly!
FPW: What items do you put inside the pockets?
JD: I was about to say the website could use a facelift – but I see you’ve been working on that! The online order form is easy, though I usually contact Michael directly because we often split and ship orders or print a custom size folder. He is very pleasant to work with – very warm and considerate.
As a national manufacturer that produces thousands upon thousands of
custom presentation folders, rarely do we come across one that demonstrates everything that a folder can be:. A well-designed, effective branding, marketing, and utilitarian tool. But more than all those traits, WellFlorida’s folder reflects the character, values, ideals and mission of the organization it represents. Truly, a masterclass in design, function and purpose.